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What is TikTok Trend “Soft Guy Era” and “Drizzle Drizzle”? Here’s All About

As Michael Scott says, “Look how the turntables.” Errors are undoubtedly dropping on TikTok at the moment. Men are replacing women. It’s difficult to say for sure now whether this is a parody of the trend or whether it’s happening.

Meaning Behind ‘Soft Guy Era’ and ‘Drizzle Drizzle’

We’ve all heard of the “Soft Girl Era,” in which girls gave in to the pressure to be independent, financially secure, and strong, and instead dated financially and emotionally capable men who could support them. Reversing roles and gender is currently a hot trend. People are constantly attempting to validate their gender roles on TikTok to make a point and establish their correctness. One good illustration of that is the reversal of this trend. On social media, humor is also sometimes used didactically and to disseminate information.

People were not particularly pleased with girls speaking in this way, as if they were returning to the days of being dependent on men, so the Soft Girl Era did have an impact. But TikTok has since created the “Soft Guy Era,” which is essentially the trend’s gender reversal.

These days, men are posting videos on social media expressing their desire to date strong, financially independent women who will stick by them because they can support them. The term “drizzle drizzle,” which has become popular in this era, is sporadically used in the videos.

The word “drizzle” also refers to the money that men who date strong women expect to be dripped on them. The trend is currently gaining a lot of attention and is widespread on social media. While some find it amusing, others find it rather offensive that men are embracing the trend that they have long detested because women initially adopted it.

Currently, gender and role reversal are hot topics. People are constantly attempting to validate their gender roles on TikTok to make a point and establish their correctness. One good illustration of that is the reversal of this trend.